Become a better rider by learning Trials skills in order, which is Easier, Faster and Safer
Discover the step-by-step systematic guide that breaks down techniques into micro-skills and repeatable drills which will transform your riding
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Tom Trantow
Hi, I'm Tom Trantow - Trials Enthusiast. I started documenting my journey in trials as a way to help others. The feedback I got from the trials community helped me realize the service I could provide by going into more detail with my successes and even failures.
For anyone who loves learning and growing in their trials skills and wants to dive deeper - You are my people.

Maybe you are like me.
When I 1st got my trials bike, all I wanted to do was go ride. I felt like a kid again. I remember trying to wheelie until my forearm pump was too much to continue riding. All I wanted to do was get better. I had lots of ambition, but little direction. I would watch YouTube videos and go out and try over and over again to do techniques that were well outside of my ability. I got frustrated and doubled down on my learning. I studied professionals in their moves. I took a Ryan Young Class, attended Trials Training Days at the Trials Training Center and had an online Coach - Neil Price. I knew there had to be way to train that would produce the internalized results where things would start to be "easy" like it appeared for all those pros.
Being a former College Volleyball player and coach, I decided to figure out what each part of my body was supposed to be doing. If I could break down just what the throttle hand was doing and drill it again and again. I knew that I could then add in the clutch. I began putting together little drills that would allow these movements, with each of my extremities, to become muscle memory. Then my mind was freed up to focus on the next part of the move. All this layering in of the foundational elements produced a quick learning curve. Things got easier faster. My confidence grew and my skills progressed quickly. I started sharing all these different drills and it appeared that the community wanted more skills breakdowns as well.
Learn Skills in Order
An increasing library of skills that is organized and extremely detailed with a step by step systematic guide to building the foundational skills needed to progress your skills and make you a better rider
The Trials Curriculum will help you:
- Learn skills in order so that you are progressing as quickly as possible
- Set realistic guidelines to develop a safe progression (no macho stuff attempting to "just send it")
- Provides guidance on what to work on next for growth in observed trials competitions
- Challenges you to demonstrate or pass a test to prove you are ready to move ono the next lesson
- Train with repeatable drills so that you can breakdown complex techniques into functional micro-skills

This course outline is updated as of Jan 10th 2024
The course numbers represent skill levels

Includes Ray Peters - Trials Coach
Lessons and Interviews with Ray Peters on Foundations for riding, Turning, Basic Wheelie, Single Blip Zap and reducing complexity and frustration.

Includes Wheelie Progression Course
Full, A to Z, Trials Wheelie Progression Course that was a free offer in March. You'll work through drills and action steps to become confident and comfortable riding at the balance point and use the rear brake to bring it back down safely. You will learn to place your front wheel accurately onto an elevated obstacle which is a vital skill in obstacle riding. You will leverage those skills to learn floater turns and even hopping on the back wheel. The advanced lessons include USA Pro rider Sam Fastle as a special guest instructor.

Includes Learn to Zap Course
This will be a full A to Z course on how to Zap obstacles with 18 lessons. We will start with an overview and then go through developing all the needed skills to successfully learn to Zap. This will include the most common mistakes when learning and how to overcome those challenges. Pro Rider Sam Fastle will be instructing as well as supplementary drills and lessons from Tom Trantow.

IncludesĀ Learn to Front Wheel Hop
20 lesson, step-by-step guide that breaks down all the micro skills needed to hop even if you can't balance. This also includes Learning to Tune your Suspension with Stu Preston

IncludesĀ Learn to Nose Wheelie
Learn to Nose Wheelie with Sam Fastle. This mini course will teach you the basics of a nose wheelie, help you overcome common mistakes, and teach you to hop the rear wheel to the side. We also cover static rear wheel hops, full bike hops and thoughts on using these in a section.Ā

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